If you are in Chandigarh and are planning a holiday, you can explore a number of hill stations around it. Manali is located close to Chandigarh, and you can easily book a taxi service from Chandigarh to Manali and explore a beautiful road trip between these two destinations. Manali is well-connected with Chandigarh via road. If you love to travel by road, there are several taxi services from Chandigarh to Manali that can offer you an affordable price range for one-way and two-way taxi booking. Here you will get complete information about the road trip between Chandigarh and Manali.

The right time to take a road trip

If you visit a hill station, you must know that weather changes very dynamically. Moreover, driving on a hilly road is more challenging than driving on plains. Hence, it is always good to travel at the right time and book the best taxi from Chandigarh to Manali. You must check the weather before starting your journey. The rainy season is not the time when you should be traveling by road. During the winters, it can get snowy. So, make sure that you check the weather and then plan your trip.

Route 1: Chandigarh to Manali via NH 3
If you are looking for the shortest distance between Chandigarh and Manali, go via NH 3. It is a very popular route between Chandigarh and Manali and the shortest one. But remember, if you are traveling during the peak season, there is a greater probability that you may encounter heavy traffic.

Ensure that you check the traffic updates and check the real-time maps to get a better overview of the travel time and traffic condition. This will save a lot of your time and unnecessary hassle while traveling.

Route 2: Chandigarh to Manali via NH 154
If you see that the traffic is congested on the NH 3 route, you can choose this route, but this route will be a long one, so it may take more time to reach your destination.

Places to visit while traveling from Chandigarh to Manali

If you travel from Chandigarh to Manali via taxi or cab, you will never get bored. The roads are well-constructed and maintained. In addition, you can enjoy the scenic beauty of the place. There are a number of tourist spots located between these two places.

Wetlands, Ropar: This place lies just outside the city area and is enriched with biodiversity. If you are traveling during the winter season, you can also spot migratory birds.

Gobind Sagar Lake, Bilaspur: To reach here, you have to detour from Bilaspur and move towards Zakatkhana, where you can spot this lake.

Prashar Lake, Mandi: If you are traveling from Chandigarh to Manali and taking a road trip, then spare some time to visit Prashar Lake. This lake is present at 9,000 feet above sea level.

Great Himalayan National Park, Tirthan Valley: If you want to explore the rich biodiversity, you must visit this place.


What is the distance from Chandigarh to Manali?
Chandigarh is well-connected via road. The distance between these two places is just 307 km, and you can easily complete this journey in 6 hours.

Are Tolls included in the cost?
Yes, tolls are usually included, and you can check the same on the receipt provided by the taxi service provider.

Are Cancel Taxi Booking Amount Refundable or Not?
Yes, you can cancel the trip, but the terms and conditions may vary. Make sure that you connect with the best taxi service provider between Chandigarh and Manali and get to know about their payment and cancellation policies.